Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Taper: Rediscovering Sunday Mornings

Less than one week till race day! I hope you guys enjoyed the blog from last week. This week, I am going to focus on my taper and subsequent re-entry into "normal" life. :-)
But before I get started, I want to highlight my new logo and crew shirts!!!

A huge thank you to my momma who worked very hard on the design, as well as my corporate sponsor Solarcraft for having them printed up! 

I've been tapering for the past 10 or so days. I often hear athletes say that they hate taper time. I don't necessarily fall into that group. I am typically looking forward to a break from training by the time taper rolls around. This time, i have been in the equivalent of Ironman training since the 2nd week of December, and then going beyond that starting in May. Needless to say, I have been looking forward to the break!
But now that I've had a break, I've often found myself wondering "What do normal people do with themselves?" Especially young people without children. Don't get me wrong. I have certainly enjoyed my free evenings during the week and catching up with friends and family. It's the weekends that get me! I have been feeling a little under he weather since Friday morning. On Sunday when I woke up and was still feeling slightly puny and so I opted to skip my short workout. With this newfound free morning, I made myself a cup of tea and set up a chair in the driveway with the pup to wait for Chad to get home from his run. I read the news, browsed Facebook and Twitter, and *gasp* started writing this blog post!!

When Chad got home, we were off to a little get together a friend's house. It was nice dating up with friends that I hadn't seen in months! After, we both had a massage scheduled. I am not one to fall asleep during massages, but Sunday was the closest I have ever come. I told by therapist to work on any "kinks" he found, but that otherwise I needed to relax! I was especially sad when he finished my massage and it was time to go home!

BUT! When I got home it was almost time for our bike mechanic, Frank, to come over and help us break down the bike. Pro Tip: If you promise someone a steak and some beer (or in Frank's case, root beer) in return, you can ask for just about any favor!!

After the bike went into the box, the real packing business began! For the past week, I have been laying out clothes and gear in our living room. I'm like Santa Claus with my lists! By Tuesday afternoon, everything *seemed* in place and so we went though one last time before Chad began putting things into suitcases. I was politely asked to sit on the sofa, drink my water, and to quit helping/interfering! 
This picture is actually from Saturday.. There was more...

..and was just the start of street clothes packing on Monday afternoon!
Luggage count: 1 bike box, 1 wheel box, 1 gear bag, 1 bag of street clothes, and 4 carry on bags! 

It's past 10:30pm and the alarm goes off at 3:45am so we can catch our flight so I best be signing off for now. I will try to write one more blog post in the next few days.
But if I don't!  

Check out the Race Day Updates page for all of the latest news from Penticton. My crew will take over my Twitter feed starting Saturday morning. 

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