Friday, August 1, 2014

Last Post Before UMCA 2014

Many of you have asked about how to track me. CLICK HERE!! (Edit: link no longer works!)

My crew is going to do its best to post updates via text. Please know that their primary job is to keep me moving, so their updates will come when they have the opportunity. Cell service can be spotty in the mountains too. 

The race is trying something new this year. There are huge efforts to have a live stream of the finish each day as well as a few points along the course. I am not sure how it works, so help each other out if there are any tricks to getting it going. :) (click above for all links!)

Here are my feelings about tracking. I LOVE reading your posts and comments! They really lift me up! Knowing you guys are thinking about me can really help me through some tough times. However, I don't like wearing the tracking devices. I find that often these cause more worry for you guys than they are intended to as they work off of cell towers. No cell service = no GPS tracker => worried you guys. With that in mind, we are going to stick to the low tech text-to-Twitter avenue. 

My feelings about what I am about to undertake continue to swing dramatically. One minute, I am pumped up and excited. A while later (like as I am writing this, actually) I will be terrified. But that's not so bad, I guess. I've always looked at it like this: "If your goal doesn't scare you, you aren't dreaming big enough!"  

I'll keep dreaming. You guys keep cheering. Together, Monday evening I will make it across the finish line!