Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Week 7

After a phenomenal win at Bridgeland last weekend, I was disappointed to find more discomfort in my shin during track Tuesday evening. After my warmup I began my first mile repeat. During the recovery period, the pain reared its ugly head. I say "pain". It was more of an irritation pain than agonizing pain. But the last time I "just pushed through" similar pain, I ended up causing more damage.

So, I cut my workout short and headed for the foam roller. The foam roller brought amost immediate relief. Just to be safe, I headed back to Dr. Chase's office Wednesday during lunch. I was very concerned about getting benched again from running. I had missed so many runs already, and I had a key run workout scheduled for the weekend.

I was relieved when Chase said I was still ok to run. That evening, I did my regular spin workout with no discomfort.

Thursday evening, I was scheduled for a75 minute run at sub half marathon pace. Translation: FAST!! I ran from the house at 6pm and was shocked by how hot it was. Wendy told me to start off easy and build, but the heat quickly got the best of me. I completed my 75 minutes of hard running but I was definately behind on my pace.

Friday morning I got up at 4am to swim before an early work meeting.I could tell that my legs were absolutely exhausted from the previous evening's run. I felt completely uncoordinated in the water, where I typically excel. 

Saturday morning I did my ride on the trainer, but I was significantly weaker than usual. I had to scale back my wattage in order to make it through the entire ride.By the time I was done, I was absolutely exhausted.

Sunday morning was the key running workout that I had been working towards all week. I was scheduled to run 15 miles, my longest run EVER. I was running by 7am, and was relieved to find that it wasn't quite as hot as I had expected. Since I had never run 15 miles before, much less 13.1 without incident, I was very concerned. My strategy was slow and steady. 

The first 10 miles flew past, but my arch was beginning to irritate me. The eastern portion of Terry Hershey Park is very hilly. I slowed my pace down on the uphill portions to conserve my energy, but when I would reach the top, I could feel a "crunchy" sensation in the arch as it threatened to pull. But I was determined to finish the run without incident.

And I did. When Chad picked me up from the park (prepared with ice and breakfast!!) I was ready to be done, but I could have gone further if needed. :-D

Weekly Summary
Swim - 5000 Yards; 1:30
Bike- 120 miles ; 6 hours
Run - 26 miles; 5 hours
Total: 12:30

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