Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 2

Ladies, I just don't know how you do it.

This year a started a new job that allows me to work from home. I can't say how much I have enjoyed this new job. But one of the things I miss about working in an office is the need to have a business wardrobe, complete with skirts, blouses, and high heels. And nice makeup.

But there is no need for any of that when you work from home. Especially since by the time Chad sees me in the evening, I have changed into workout clothes and any hint of mascara is smeared under my eyes.

And my poor beautiful heels remain hidden in the closet. Which is why I bust them out any opportunity I can.

Last Tuesday I went for an on-site visit for one of my favorite clients, Solarcraft, my dad's company. And as usual, I brought out the heels.

When my granddad saw me, me exclaimed, "Evil Kenevil is going to attempt to jump Sabrina's shoes!" Not unwarranted. I believe these particular heels are 4 inches, with an additional 1/2 inch platform. But they are my FAVORITES!!

After work, I headed to track for a light 6.5 mile run to get loosened up for the 4th of July 5K the next day.

During the race the next morning, I began to experience a particularly irritating ache along the front of my right shin. With each step I took, it grew worse. It was definitely one of the most difficult 5Ks I've ever done (aside from the ache in my shin, it was bloody hot, humid, and I had no taper coming into the race). By the time I was done, the whole right shin ached with each step I took.

After the race, we serpent our 4th of July working on renovating our new house. In the evening, I headed back to the apartment  to complete a 45 minute spin class.

And my leg was killing me.

The fact is that heels are probably one of the worst things that women do to their bodies. Aside from bunions, high heels shorten the Achilles tendon. After years of wear, they also force the foot to be in an almost permanent flexed/pointed position. Both of these can mean terrible things for athletes.

So, I have officially given up my heels. Instead, I will sport bike cleats. Hey, they make my calves look great!

Weekly Summary
Swim - 0 yards
Bike - 5h 15m
Run - 15.1 miles; 3h 30min
Total - 8h 45min

Training Totals
Swim - 0 yards
Bike - 10h 15min
Run - 32.45 miles; 7h 25min
Total: 8h 45m

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